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Sunday Morning and Weekday Small Groups and Classes

Asbury Methodist Church intends to be a church for lifelong friendships. Many of our members have joined from their previous congregations after twenty, thrifty, forty, or more years. Some seniors have joined after a full lifetime in their previous congregation. We envision Asbury to be a church where people build deep, authentic friendships that help us grow in faith and enrich our lives.

Mens Group

Womens Group

Sunday Mornings @ 8:30 AM

The Wesley Class - Room 129

This class of senior adults meets for study & fellowship. Current study: Twelve Extraordinary Women of the Bible after finishing Twelve Ordinary Men and plan an Advent study as well. Teachers usually rotate per study.

For further information, please contact William Hubbard

The Aldersgate Class - Room 135

This class of middle-aged-senior adults enjoys Bible study and discussion and gathers outside church for fellowship. Current study: Romans, with an Advent study in Dec. Ron Elkin, is President, and several share teaching, including Ron Elkin, Rex Thigpen, Overton Campbell & others.

For further information, please contact Ron or Martha Elkin,

Faith Followers Class - Room 141

This adult class shares common interests/insights as parents with kids ranging in age from high school to college graduates. Current study: Genesis, chapter by chapter, using YouTube video clips for insight and relevance to current events.

For further information, please contact Robin Lovgren Co-Leader or Marty Lovgren Co-Leader


Journey Class - Room 110

This group discussion-style class focuses on the study of Scripture accompanied by service and fellowship. All ages and stages are welcome as more perspectives will add to the scope. The current study is on what Scripture and history have to say about the 12 Disciples.

For further information, please contact Beth Jacobs, Leader or Jaimie Wewetzer – or Paige Esch –

The Living Word Class - Room 132

For adults of all ages who want to not just study the Word but also understand the environment & context surrounding it. Current study: Acts of the Apostles. Also, very active in missions.

For further information please contact Jim Broadhead, Leader or Emily Newell, Backup Leader

Discipleship (Under Development)

Our Discipleship Committee is formalizing our discipleship structure for three distinct areas: Children, Youth, and Adult Ministries. As we strengthen and expand these areas there is a need for new volunteers. If you’re new, volunteering in ministries is far and away the best way to meet people and develop friendships. If you are interested in shepherding in any of these three areas, please email Kortland Fuqua at

Weekday Small Groups & Gatherings​

Multigenerational Small Group

6:30-8:00 pm, in members’ homes. This group for men and women gathers to study God’s Word and share joys, concerns, prayer, & fellowship. Nov./Dec. studies: Psalm 84, spiritual gifts, & an Advent study. For further information, please contact:

Angela Overstreet, Leader 615-218-5434 altoverstreet5@gmail.comOr Abigail Overstreet, Co-Leader 615-812-7952

Monthly Men’s Fellowship

A group of Asbury men are exploring a new monthly men’s fellowship. If you’d like to be kept abreast of the plans please make Kortland aware of your interest.

Ladies of Asbury Tuesday Mornings

Beginning Tuesday, Judy Barnhill leads a Bible study for the ladies of Asbury. Please contact Judy via e-mail if you are interested in participating in this exciting study about prayer. We meet at 10 a.m. and finish by 12 noon each time. Please contact Judy to sign up at Looking forward to a time of study and worship as we begin the fall study season at Asbury Methodist Church.

Asbury Women Sunday Nights

Please join us on Second Sundays for a women’s study. All ages are welcome and if you need transportation, text or email Sarah Yann at 615-308-3740/ and we’ll arrange that for you. Our hope is to build lasting friendships with women of faith at our new church and grow deeper in our love for the Lord. Mark your calendar for future meetings: Sunday, October 8th, November 12th and December 10th. If you’d like to receive email reminders for the meetings, please email Sarah Yann.


We celebrate and praise God for what He is doing in and through Asbury Methodist Church, a member congregation of the Global Methodist Church. Pastor Kortland Fuqua would love to spend time with you and those you care about. He is available for visitations and meetings each week. He holds “office hours” each week at Panera Bread in Cool Springs at 11:00am on Mondays. If you are planning on attending “office hours” please call or text Kortlkand in advance at 615-425-6312 so he can be watching for you. He’s also available via phone and email during the week and can schedule time with you.