A Church with a Biblical Worldview
The Transitional Book of Doctrines and Disciplines of the Global Methodist Church contains many time-proven essential statements of faith that govern the beliefs and teachings of traditional Methodism. Asbury Methodist Church is blessed to be affiliated with a new denomination that unapologetically maintains a disciplined biblical worldview and which is carefully preserving “the faith once delivered to the saints.” Methodism, since its beginnings in England in the mid-1700s through the ministry of John and Charles Wesley, has held the authority of Scripture to be the defining test of all teaching and ministry. Throughout its 250-year history, faithful Methodists have rejected the temptation to look to the constantly shifting currents of contemporary culture for its standard of truth.
The leadership of Asbury Methodist Church commends to our members the Transitional Book of Doctrines and Disciplines in its fullness for review and study. While the Discipline contains much technical information about the governance of the church—globally and locally—the sections on faith and doctrine and social concerns are relevant to each member as they define our shared beliefs as Methodist Christians—specifically Part 1 (pages 4–19), which defines our historical doctrines, creeds, and articles of religion; and Part 2 (pages 20–21), our social witness, which addresses the contemporary issues facing the church today. Given the tumult within the body of Christ over matters which include human sexuality, gender, abortion, euthanasia, and human trafficking, we include below excerpts of that information for review by our members. For context, the full text of the Transitional Book of Doctrines and Disciplines can be found at www.globalmethodist.org/what-we-believe/. As members of Asbury Methodist Church (GMC) in Franklin, Tennessee, we affirm these precepts in the Discipline.