Worship with Us

How to Find Us

Asbury Methodist Church meets every Sunday.

Worship Location

Franklin Christian Academy
1 Falcon Way
Franklin, TN

Sunday morning small groups and classes: 8:30am
Worship Service: 10:00am

Phone: 615.425.6312

The location is located near the intersection of Mack Hatcher Parkway and New Highway 96 West, adjacent to the new Williamson County Animal Center. Franklin Christian Academy can be accessed two ways:

The first option is by entering off Hwy 96 at the Morning Pointe retirement facility and proceeding through the property which connects with the FCA upper parking lot. You can then follow the signs to circle past the facility to the lower parking lot which is adjacent where Asbury meets in the athletic facility at the lower level.

The second option is via Carlisle Lane. Turn off Carlisle Lane at Old Charlotte Pike E. FCA is at the end of that road where it terminates at Mack Hatcher. The lower parking lot is immediately to the left.